Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wonderful Reading!

I am so impressed by the progress students are making in reading. We have come a long way since the beginning of the school year. Daily practice of our high frequency words are helping us read our HFW words quickly--we "see it say it." Our weekly reading tests continue to improve. We are so proud of our success! First graders are becoming confident readers! Our favorite time of the day continues to be our D.E.A.R. time after lunch. We Drop Everything And Read for 5-10 minutes each day. It gives us a few minutes to relax before the start of our busy afternoon.

In Science we completed our unit on health and how to stay safe. I hope your child shared their food pyramid and their healthy lunch box they made. We enjoyed discussing how to make healthy food choices and the tiny yellow space on the food pyramid--that is where fats and sweets are found! We all agreed that we do love "junk food" every now and then! This week we will discuss how/why objects sink or float. Making predictions and observations are an important part of our science activities.

Just a reminder, I will be gone Nov. 30-Dec. 3 to a Reading Conference in Texas. I will have an excellent substitute. I am certain she can address any concerns or questions that may arise.

Have a wonderful week!

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