Monday, September 12, 2011

Field Trip Reminder!

If you are interested in being a volunteer chaperon for our field trip, Friday, September 30th, please return the volunteer form with your $5.00 admission no later than Tuesday, September 20th.  We need to have an adult count to give to the SAC Museum and the Wildlife Safari and we need to have money collected prior to the field trip.
Thank you!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wonderful Start to the School Year!

We have had a wonderful start to the school year!  The students have been working very hard and we are finally figuring out our daily schedule.  I am so proud of each and every student. 

Each week your child will be bringing home a reading study guide.  All information on the study guide will assist your child with the weekly test given each Friday. 

Folders will only be sent home on Thursday's this year.  Thursday is a homework night.  Beginning next week, I will be sending math and a daily language review sheet.  The total time to complete both assignments should be 10-15 minutes. 

The 2nd grade field trip has been planned!  We are going to the Wildlife Safari and the SAC Museum in Ashland on Friday, September 30th.  The cost per child or adult is $5.00.   This will be a full day so please remember to send a sack lunch with your child.  We plan to eat lunch at the Wildlife Safari picnic area.

We completed our first reading Weekly Test that will be sent home this week.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns in regards to the test. 

Have a wonderful week and look for the 2nd grade monthly newsletter coming soon!