Daily Schedule

Mrs. Gewinner’s First Grade Daily Schedule 2010-2011
(schedule is subject to change!)
8:00-8:10 attendance/lunch count  Calendar (will include Saxon math meeting instruction)
8:10-8:50 Reading (phonics, whole group reading)   
8:50-9:20 small group reading
9:20-9:50 Grammar/Spelling
9:50-10:20 Library/Music
10:20-10:50 Guidance/Computers/Art/Spelling--sentences
10:50-11:35 Recess/Lunch
11:35-11:45 Read Aloud, DEAR reading
11:45-12:05 Social Studies (quarters 1&3) Science (quarters 2&4)
12:05-12:15  Handwriting Without Tears
12:15-12:45 Writer’s Workshop
12:45-1:10 Math (whole group instruction)
1:10-1:50 PE
1:50-2:15 Math/snack (independent work, challenge activities, small group instruction)
2:15-2:30 Recess
2:30-3:35 Daily Five Centers (Intervention and Enrichment)
3:35-3:45 Pack Up/Dismissal