Sunday, December 26, 2010

Winter Break!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful winter break!  When we return from break, we will begin lesson 12 in Storytown reading.  On the blog, you can find the Storytown ebooks for lesson 12.  Choose book 2, lesson 12 if you would like your child to practice reading the story.  Also, be sure to check the weekly School-Home Connection newsletter that was sent home!  I will be sending them each week.  The newsletter includes what stories we will be reading, high frequency words, and home activities to enrich your child's understanding of the stories. 

I will be sending your child's running record levels and reading group information with their progress reports.  If you have concerns or questions in regards to progress reports please call or email. 

February is quickly approaching which means parent-teacher conferences.  If you have special concerns that you would like to discuss before conferences, I would gladly schedule a time to meet with you.

Enjoy the rest of your winter break!  See you next year!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Benchmark Testing This Week!

Hello!  This week we will be doing reading benchmark testing.  We will begin first thing Tuesday morning and continue throughout the week.  I will be sending home high frequency word lists with students before winter break.  I will indicate what words your child needs to work on.  High frequency words need to be read rapidly.  If your child can read the word but has to sound it out, I will send the word home for extra practice.   I will also be sending home your child's running record level.  If you have any questions, please call or email me.

Our Winter Party is quickly approaching.  I did not request parent volunteers because we only spend a small part of the morning with the party.  We would welcome any treats you would like to send!  Please look for details later this week.

Thanks so much for your support in your child's education!