Monday, January 16, 2012

New Schedule

I hope everyone has settled back into a school routine!  Students have adjusted nicely to the new daily schedule!   Just a quick reminder...PE starts at 8:10 a.m. every morning.  Please try and have your child at school by 7:55 a.m. so they can be ready for our morning special. 

Weekly study guides are sent home each week.  I will try and post a study guide on the school website each week.  It is imperative that students study the robust vocabulary and spelling words at home in order to be successful on the weekly test.  Students will take a spelling pretest every Tuesday morning.  If they get 100% on the pretest, they will not take the spelling test on Fridays. 

I am sending home a reminder note concerning parent teacher conferences.  Please read the reminder and return to me as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Have a wonderful week!